Father, Son, Holy Spirit maybe?

For the holidays, I’m living one of my mother’s long-standing dreams of staying in a fancy house in a temperate climate and more or less by-passing the many celebrational trappings of decorations, travel, and cold weather. THough of course we still have gifts, because this is a capitalist culture, and that is how we show love.

However, my actual mother isn’t here. Like many people, Dave and I trade off holidays: one year you’re in the bosom of familiar traditions, the next you are in the bosom of someone else’s traditions. I still feel happy and comfortable and loved, but of course it’s not the same – it’s never the same.

Of all the things I am missing right now however, the most relevant one (to this post) is my scanner. So instead of a new comic, I am posting an image I drew awhile ago, and hoping you will all use your powers of holiday spirit to read something meaningful into it. Enjoy, and if you need anything else to occupy your attentions until the Downton Abbey Christmas Special airs, may I suggest StrandBeests?