You might call this polar bear…articulate

I woke up this morning directly out of a very atmospheric dream. What looked like a flaming head was streaming towards earth from the night sky, and a group of observers watched with some anxiety. The dream’s me collapsed to the ground in fear and was asked by a companion: Don’t you remember? What does it mean? I shook my head because I didn’t know, I couldn’t remember. It’s one of the phases, my companion said. It appears this way to commemorate something. An event. And then in the dream I burst into tears, because this meant that something terribly sad was being commemorated, and that some god or someone had felt I needed to be reminded in this dramatic way.

Well. Now you’ve been suckered into being told about my dreams. In fact I’m in Chicago this week doing some work, and have seen close friends whom I love and generally have to settle for missing.

So it’s a complicated life we lead. There are layers.


One self-promotional link for today: I have a story out in the current issue of The Southeast Review, so if you’d like to read that story, pick up a copy!

C’est tout pour aujord’hui. Merci for your attention, friends.