Dave wanted me to draw a road runner this week but I think ostriches are funnier for this particular concept

Lo, fall is come to Tucson. Here, what that means is that I’m still wearing shorts and a t-shirt, but I no longer feel punished by the weather while doing so. It’s supposed to get kind of hot again next week (mid-high 90s), but the temperature is definitely on the downswing, and my mood elevates with every evening I’m able to keep the windows open. I’m sitting in my studio with the door open right now! I am probably being devoured by mosquitos, but I only sort of care!

(I will care later.)

This weekend, I’m going to Silver City, NM to take part in the Southwest Festival of the Written Word, and I’m excited about it! I’ve never been to this festival before, but it seems fun and intimate, and in a weird way I’m looking forward to the road trip aspect, since getting to Jentel meant so, so many plane rides, and I didn’t have a car while I was there.

Anyway, if you’re in the area (I guess, New Mexico & environs?) you should consider coming to check out one of my panels. Or someone else’s panel! Who knows.

(This conference may also result in a lack of comic again next week. Sorry! I don’t have any more travel plans until Thanksgiving, it’s just been a lot recently.)

In terms of the TinyLetter, I’m still mulling it over. I signed up for one, so we’ll see if I really send it? Also, I’m FULL of thoughts about the Twin Peaks revival, so if you want to talk in an intense and somewhat garbled way about that, feel free.

**Edit: GADZOOKS! I forgot to mention that a book I love came out yesterday, An Unkindness of Magicians by Kat Howard. It’s twisty, passionate, and thrilling, not to mention magical. I loved Kat’s first book, Roses and Rot, and if possible I love this one even more; I have already started buying it for people as gifts.